Our Mission

Our mission is to provide accessible, safe, and high-quality medical varicose vein treatments and service outcomes. Our dedicated team of health professionals aims to collaborate with patients and their carers to provide a patient-focused service while providing long-term sustainable growth and quality improvement.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognised as the national provider of choice in medical, non-surgical varicose vein treatment.

Our Values

Our shared values guide us to apply value-based practices and shape our culture to achieve our vision. These values are embedded into our governance framework to ensure that governance practices are consistent with them.

  • Leadership: leadership, governance, and performance at The Vein Institute promote a positive culture and ensure that service requirements are met, risks are identified and mitigated, and high-quality, person-centred care is prioritised.
  • Care: our people are confident, skilled and supported to be accountable for their role in the delivery of safe, quality care, which focuses on putting patients’ needs first and ensuring safe, quality care outcomes and experiences.
  • Accessibility: barriers to care, whether physical or financial, offering treatment and services that are competitive and accommodating.
  • Value: we focus on quality health outcomes, provider performance and the patient experience.
  • Excellence: we ensure every interaction is of the highest best practice standard, every time, with excellent outcomes, through effective interactions, data-driven decision-making, and continuous quality improvement.
  • Integrity: our team acts in a manner that demonstrates accountability, and transparency, inspires trust through honesty, and inclusivity by respecting the rights and choices of our patients and team members.

Our Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance is the system by which The Vein Institute Board, managers, clinicians, and staff share responsibility and are held accountable for patient safety, minimising risks to consumers and for improving the quality of care outcomes and services.

The Vein Institute Framework structure consists of key elements to improve the quality of care and services effectively:

  • Governance, leadership and culture: clinical governance and quality improvement are essential to enhance the safety and quality of care for our patients. Patients are fully informed and receive respectful, timely and culturally appropriate care by our dedicate team of healthcare professionals by making sustainable practices part of our everyday business.
  • Consumer partnerships: our team actively engages and supports our patients and their carers’ decision-making and choices appropriately throughout the treatment process providing safe, quality care outcomes and exceptional experience every time.
  • Clinical Performance: The right team, qualifications, skills, competencies, commitment to ongoing education and experienced workforce actively improve the safety and quality of care and services for patients by applying evidenced-based care appropriate to their needs.
  • Safety and Quality Improvement Systems: Each care interaction including reporting, reviews and decision-making is underpinned by Information and Knowledge Management, which are vital to clinical governance processes to actively manage and improve safety and quality for patients. The Vein Institute is committed to rigorous measurement and monitoring of performance and quality outcomes to identify those at higher risk of harm and to minimise risks to improve patient experiences and outcomes. Patients, carers, and family members are frontline consumers of our care and services.

The Vein Institute welcomes your feedback to improve our care and services by emailing us at [email protected].